Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am shocked --- SHOCKED... learn that Fox "News" donated $1 million to a Republican committee, namely the Republican Governors Association:

I am equally shocked that they chose not to report this on their "news" station even though it has been in the mainstream for at least 48 hours now. Now, it is true that, like all corporations, other news agencies also make political donations. However, none of them has come even close to a million dollars and they are pretty evenly distributed between liberal and conservative organizations.

So, for anyone out there who still thought Fox was "fair and balanced," this should put that myth to rest.

While we're on the subject of political donations, don't forget to boycott Target. They gave $500,000 to a far-right candidate in Minnesota who not only thinks gay people should not have any rights, he thinks they should be killed. Make it right, Target!

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