Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Uh huh. I am not surprised.


The same states that are suing to block health care reform, because it is so horrible and unconstitutional, are also taking advantage of it. Can an entire state be an asshole?

This is What You Get From Watching Fox "News"


Once again, Republicans have outdone themselves. Now a majority of them (52%) think that President Obama "definitely or probably" wants to spread Islamic Law around the world. WTF? How in the world (Fox News) could a person (Glenn Beck) possibly be so stupid (Gretchen Carlson) to think that this has the remotest possibility of being true???

Do these people even realize what "Islamic Law" is? If they are talking about Sharia Law, it isn't even the common-law in most Islamic nations, much less having any possibility of becoming "world law." And how exactly would this happen? Obama has the power to change the law in nations across the planet? Really? Obama has the power to unilaterally change the entire legal system in the United States? Really? If the president had the power GW Bush would have given us Redneck Law years ago. Oh, wait...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pro-life my big white ass

Once again, conservative "pro-life" a-holes prove that they care more about cells than about actual living, breathing human beings:


Now, thanks to "pro-lifers," more people will die while we try to find other ways to cure these diseases.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am shocked --- SHOCKED...

...to learn that Fox "News" donated $1 million to a Republican committee, namely the Republican Governors Association:


I am equally shocked that they chose not to report this on their "news" station even though it has been in the mainstream for at least 48 hours now. Now, it is true that, like all corporations, other news agencies also make political donations. However, none of them has come even close to a million dollars and they are pretty evenly distributed between liberal and conservative organizations.

So, for anyone out there who still thought Fox was "fair and balanced," this should put that myth to rest.

While we're on the subject of political donations, don't forget to boycott Target. They gave $500,000 to a far-right candidate in Minnesota who not only thinks gay people should not have any rights, he thinks they should be killed. Make it right, Target!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Perfect Product Pfail

Princess #2 has a product warning for all of you home bakers out there. (Of which I am not one. I cook; I don't bake. I leave the baking to Aunt Sue who is awesome at it. Thank god. Or we would never have Christmas cookies. And that's just sad.)

In an attempt to out-Martha Martha Stewart and bake the "perfect brownie," P2 bought the "as seen on TV" Perfect Brownie Pan.

Alas, the only thing it is "perfect" for is giving you a reason to drink in the afternoon. And wasting Pam spray and brownie mix as you try repeatedly to make this crappy product work.

Princess Deux tried the pan several times, spraying half a can of Pam on it, and the batter still sticks. You cannot effortlessly lift the grid out and leave the perfectly baked brownies. So don't waste your money. Your crumbled up pathetic-looking brownies taste just as good.

You know what else never worked? The old-fashioned ice trays that this product is a total rip-off of. (Or should I say, "of which this product is a total rip-off." Would have lost points in an essay for that grammar sin.)

My parents' old freezer came with these ice trays that had a metal grid exactly like Perfect Brownie's and you were supposed to lift this handle and the ice cubes would pop out of the grid. But they didn't. So we took a knife to the thing and chiseled out random chunks of ice that were in no way cube-shaped. Luckily, my cocktail party-throwing parents also had a counter-top ice crusher (have you seen one of those? Never in my life have I seen one since the one that was on our counter when I was a kid) so it didn't matter how crappy the ice cubes were because you could always crush them.

Never fear, though, tonight Husband and his daughter solved the perfect brownie problem. They made the brownie batter and just ate it out of the bowl. Problem solved! No crumbly brownies and no sticky pan to clean up. Genius.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


California's evil Prop 8 has been OVERTURNED! There will likely be more challenges to this obviously unconstitutional law against gay marriage, but this is GREAT NEWS!!!! Woo hoo!

Get the Lithium...

41% of Republitards still think President Obama was not born in Hawaii, as his official birth certificate (certified by a Republican governor) clearly states. These people are either idiots or have a mass case of severe mental illness that includes paranoid delusions. Yes, those are the only two explanations.


The other 59% are just mean, greedy people who want children to starve while most of our money is spent on wars. Wars=good use of tax money. Helping people=bad use of tax money.

Happy Birthday President Obama!

I still love you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Calling all Tea Partiers

So, Tea Party people who are sooooo concerned about "rights" (mostly, of course, the right not to have a black man for a president), what do you think about this?


The CONSERVATIVE-leaning Supreme Court with Republican wet-dream Chief Justice Roberts is being criticized for curtailing Miranda rights. Look for homemade posters of Roberts with a Hitler mustache at the next rally. Because they will just be all over this travesty of justice, right? Right? Anyone? Tea Party? Bueller?

Back by Popular Demand

Okay, apparently some people missed me (Rebecca). I will start posting some quickie thoughts and see how that goes. Not a lot of time to write the longer essays for which I became so famous (not).

First off today, I share this gem that I heard on NPR this morning. If you don't listed to NPR, you must start. This is where you get real, unfiltered news, and the BBC tells you what is going on in the world - there is a big world out there that does not think the U.S. is the center of the universe and it's refreshing to hear what they have to say.

So, the fine folks at NPR interviewed a Mexican gang member who is doing time in a Mexican prison. He was caught bringing guns over the border...INTO Mexico...FROM the United States. That's right -- it is so bloody easy (no pun intended) to get guns in Texas that this guy bought them there to bring back to Mexico for the gangwars. Are you listening Jan Brewer? Because Arizona is next. The illegal immigrants aren't bringing weapons IN to this country so much as they are taking them OUT because we make it so easy. Arizona now has ridiculous gun laws that make it possible to buy and carry a gun anywhere without a license and without training. Let the accidental shootings begin.

Speaking of Gov. Jan Brewer, here's the next thing I heard this morning. There are a million people running for Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin and pundits are wondering why so many people want this job. There aren't really any official duties, other than to be ready to take over the office if the Governor dies or steps down. Some say we should just eliminate the position. Jan Brewer is the reason why we shouldn't. Arizonans elected the woman my mother called "that nice Governor Janet" (Napolitano) but when she was promoted to head of homeland security for the Obama administration the poor people of Arizona got this nutjob hate-monger Brewer because they did not have an elected Lieutenant. So, vote carefully for a Lieutenant Governor who you really would want to be running this state. It could happen.

Fox "News" got the coveted front seat in the White House briefing room that Helen Thomas vacated in shame a few months ago. Will this mean that they will listen more closely and actually start reporting facts? No. No it doesn't.

Finally, here's your daily reason to hate Sarah Palin (I know, like you needed another one). She made a statement saying that President Obama doesn't have the "cojones" to fix immigration. That's right - she used the Mexican immigrants' own language to talk about how they are not welcome here and should just get out. Oh, cruel irony.

Happy Monday!