Saturday, March 13, 2010

Take Texas...Please

Read this. I CANNOT believe this is happening in 2010.

SERIOUSLY. Remember all that talk about Texas ceceding? Please - let them go. I do not want this bullshit state in my nation any more. I cannot think of an example of more ignorant bullshit than what these people have come up with. And please read the article carefully: "Decisions by the board – made up of lawyers, a dentist and a weekly newspaper publisher among others – can affect textbook content nationwide because Texas is one of publishers' biggest clients."

Well that explains a lot, doesn't it. Our kids are STUPID because TEXAS is apparently in charge of text books. Listen up people: A few lawyers, a dentist and the publisher of a weekly in TEXAS are deciding what YOUR kids are going to learn. Or not learn, as the case may be. They are going to learn fake, made-up conservative bullshit "history" that is completely invented by TEXANS. You remember them - they gave us George W. Bush. Enough said.

Run, don't walk, to your school board and scream bloody murder until they hear you. NO TEXT BOOKS FROM TEXAS!!!!!