Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a Disgusting Waste

Meg Whitman, a Republican (of course), wants so badly to be governor of California that she has spent $119 million on her campaign. So far. That's MILLION. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN MILLION. $119,000,000.00

Imagine the good that amount of money could have done. The schools in California are struggling, people are hungry and homeless, and she spent $119 MILLION dollars on her vanity-campaign power trip. There is a special place in hell...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Holy Crap!

I kind of can't believe this - so awesome!!!

Another step toward equality for all Americans! Woo hooooooooo!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fox News Spreads Hate and Lies at Record Pace

Fox "News" was watched by an enormous (kind of) number of people in the month of August. Now, in the scheme of the nation's population, it's not a lot of people. Less than 1% of the population. Still, the fact that more and more people even want to watch a station that exists purely to spread hate, lies, intolerance and religious zealotry, and roots for the President (and our nation) to fail, is incredibly sad.