Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh, REALLY......

Well, this actually is a surprise: Paul Bucher has withdrawn his petition for divorce, less than a week after it was filed. Hmmmm.... wonder what that's all about. Feel free to speculate. Maybe she agreed to counseling? Maybe she agreed to wear a chastity belt? Get tested for VD? We may never know, but we will keep our ears open for details.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

And now for something that is a surprise to no one...

Paul Bucher has filed for divorce from [that skank ho] conservative columnist Jessica McBride. McBride's affair with Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn was the topic of my very first blog post.

I am sure that no one, including Jessica, is surprised by this. She may be surprised that he is asking for joint custody but primary placement of their 4-year old daughter. Apparently he is not convinced she can keep her vaj in her skirt long enough to properly care for their child.

Still convinced that it is gay marriage that threatens the great institution of "traditional marriage?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Fox News Insanity

Do the people at Fox News understand the concept of "digital recordings" or "video tape?" Do they get that the tee vee ain't a picture box with tiny people in it actin' out the shows? Are they completely cognizant of the fact that there is a whole wide world of reality outside their studios?

I ask this, because Fox News took out a full page ad with a picture of the "Tea Party" protests in Washington D.C. that said this: "How did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN miss this story?"

Uh, they didn't. They all covered it with numerous reports over the weekend. In fact, the photo used in the ad IS FROM THE CNN TOWER. Yeah, they used a photo from CNN to say that CNN didn't cover the rally. Unbelievable.

Also, Princess #2's boyfriend Bill O'Reilly made reference on his show, on Fox, to CNN's coverage of the event! So they didn't check the other stations for the truth, but they didn't check their own station either?

Fox is getting raked over the coals for this of course, as all the stations are finally fighting back against their lies. CNN showed clips of their coverage of the event and demanded an apology, which I have no faith will happen. I don't know if the other stations showed their clips, but they could of course, because the PROOF THAT FOX NEWS LIED IS ON THE DIGITAL RECORDING. Idiots.

If Fox wants to prove that they cover things that other stations won't, they should probably wait until AFTER the event to see what happens. My guess is that they produced this ad and ran it without any checking whatsoever as to its validity. They don't care that it was a huge lie. That sucks.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Distracted by Grumpy Old People

I'm kind of sick of old people complaining about every goddamn thing. Especially about healthcare reform. I couldn't say this in the article I wrote for the Journal Sentinel, but I really don't think senior citizens should have any say on health care reform at all. They should be taken out of the equation all together.

Here's why: old people already have the best deal in the world with Medicare, and it's partially their fault that health care costs are so high. Many of them don't even pay taxes anymore, so they won't be affected even IF taxes go up, and that's a big IF. Health care reform will make no difference in their lives at all.

As exhibit A I present my own grandmother, who treated visits to the doctor like social events. She went as often as possible, whether or not there was really something wrong with her. I do not think she was the exception in this regard - I know from talking with friends that so many elderly people are like that. For some reason I have to wait 7 months to see a doctor for a check up but Grandma would call and get in the next day. The guy would tell her she was perfectly healthy, so she would call an ambulance the next day and see if the ER doctor had a different answer. I can remember clearly her bragging about how much medical treatment she could get "and it's all free!" No, it's not free. We're all paying for it. She once had the same (extremely expensive) test run three weeks in a row, with the same result - nothing wrong.

When did old people become so selfish? All they care about is their free shit. Never mind that the rest of the country is going broke and children are dying.

I also love it when grumpy old white men (they are always grumpy, old and white) complain about socialism and then trample you on the way to cash their Social Security checks and get some free government-funded health care. Hypocrites.

And all this whining about how health care reform is "confusing." I bet you're confused about where your socks are, too. We're supposed to take that into account? Bullshit.

Okay, got that off my chest. Y'all have a nice day now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here's a money-saving tip: don't waste $4 on Tide Stain Release In-Wash Booster. I bought a pack because I had a coupon (for $1.50 - that's a lot). I now think that the reason they put these larger-than-usual coupons in magazines is because they knew that as soon as people realized what a rip off this product was they would never buy it again. So, big coupon, get them off the shelves, move on.

The little gel-packs go into the washer in the beginning, as the water is going in. They are supposed to work on all colors to remove both fresh and old stains. Well, they don't. And they stink to high heaven so you have to rinse twice (at least). Why oh why does Tide think that these super perfumey give-you-a-headache scents are a good idea? I don't pay $80 for my Lancome Tresor just to walk around smelling like a Tide product.

I have used the Tide Stain Release boosters in at least six laundry loads now and the only thing I noticed is that the whites seem to be a little whiter. The stains did not come out - at all. Not the new ones, not the old ones, not the big ones, not the little ones. I had to re-wash some stuff with good old Shout it Out.

So, to paraphrase my new obsession Shitmydadsays (see the blog list): Tide Stain Release, no, Shout it Out, yes.

More Proof of How Much GW Bush Sucked

The Census fugures for the Bush years now show why he sucked and make me wonder even more why "some people" continue to defend him and his party.

The whole story is here:


Here's the summary:

Under Clinton, the median income increased 14 per cent. Under Bush it declined 4.2 per cent.
Under Clinton the total number of Americans in poverty declined 16.9 per cent; under Bush it increased 26.1 per cent.
Under Clinton the number of children in poverty declined 24.2 per cent; under Bush it increased by 21.4 per cent.
Under Clinton, the number of Americans without health insurance, remained essentially even (down six-tenths of one per cent); under Bush it increased by 20.6 per cent.

This, people, is what happens when your economic policy consists of giving tax breaks to your rich white friends and ignoring the entire rest of the country.

So now Barack Obama has to muddle through this mess and get us back on track and all he gets in return is morons calling him a communist and a Nazi. Nice.

I can't wait until Obama gets to do Ronald Reagan's "are you better off now than you were four years ago" speech because in a few years the answer will be "yes."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

This Ought to be Interesting

Tucked away on the ninth page of today's paper, a re-print from the Orange County Register reminds us that a new immigration rule takes effect on Tuesday. The new rule says that any employer who gets a government contract or receives stimulus funds must run their employees through E-Verify to see if they are legally allowed to work in the U.S.

While I am quite sure people will figure out a way to scam the system -- they always do -- this could give us some idea of just how pervasive illegal immigration is. Of course there are other issues too, like whether the government database against which the names will be checked is accurate and up to date. Still, this should be an interesting test of what it would be like if American employers really couldn't hire undocumented workers.

By the way, the last time we tried to do something about illegal immigrants in the work force the Republicans lobbied against it, and won. Yes, it was in 1986, during Ronald Reagan's administration, that businesses lobbied against immigration reform, because they did not want to lose their cheap (illegal) labor. Unlikely allies including the hotel industry (led by Marriott), meatpacking plants, construction firms and farmers convinced Reagan to dump reform and grant amnesty to over 2 million illegal alliens. So the next time you hear Democrats being blamed for immigration woes, remember that.

And by the way, Newt Gingrich agrees with me

From Politico Live:

Two top Republicans sided Sunday with President Barack Obama on his scheduled speech Tuesday to school children.

“I have been in communication with Arne Duncan and the team at Department of Education,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on "Fox News Sunday." “I believe this is going to be posted. People are going to see it in advance. It is going be a totally positive speech. If that is what it is, it is good to have the president of the United States saying to young people across America stay in school and do your homework. It’s good for America.”

Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, a former education secretary under President George H.W. Bush, said: “Of course, the president of the United States should be able to address students.”

Parents and teachers should be able to choose whether to show the speech, Alexander said. But it is a good opportunity to give students a civics lessons, he said, and teachers should embrace the moment by showing clips of other presidents."

Friday, September 4, 2009

Well, it’s official:

President Obama cannot do anything, anything, without conservatives turning it into an evil plot to take over the world.

Some conservatives are all riled up that the President is giving a back-to-school pep talk for kids, encouraging them to study hard and stay in school. They haven’t seen the text of the speech, mind you, they just know that it is a brain-washing, probably socialist sermon that will, in 15 minutes, ruin their children for life. It probably includes subliminal Muslim messages -I bet there will be a Quran on a bookshelf in the background, and the words will seep into your children's brains! Yeah! And then he'll tell them to become Communists! And Nazis! And you'll wake up in the middle of the night with little Suzy standing over you with a knife chanting "Obama says to kill my parents!"

Please, people, have a little more faith in your parenting skills. Children should be taught to respect the office of the presidency, and you as parents. How can they respect you if they think you are afraid of a 15 minute speech? Get a grip.