Monday, July 6, 2009

Distracted by...Feud with Princess #2!

Yowza! I guess my post about Bill O'Reilly, which I thought was hilarious (and so did a lot of other people) really pushed a button with Princess #2!

Okay, so I do not have time to write all the reasons Fox News (the cable channel - not the local folks) and Bill O'Reilly make my blood boil. Fortunately, there are numerous websites devoted to it. Check out: or

There you go.

Now, as for the assumptions about where I get my news, here's a partial answer:

CNN, on tv and online (I do not watch MSNBC - I do watch Rachel Maddow on line occasionally)
I do not watch local news - I get local news from blogs and the Journal Sentinel
The Associated Press website
Yahoo News
The Advocate and Human Rights Campaign for news about gay issues
Huffington Post (this is a full-on addiction) for UNBIASED polls and trend analysis - yes, I like to read the press releases as they were written and see how they are interpreted in the news

There are many, many others, which is the point. You can't get all your news from one source. I hope we can at least agree on that.

As for wine, I enjoy Pinot Gris with food, but I still like a nice crisp Chardonnay the best.

Tomorrow I will expound upon why I know I am a liberal (which means that the current incarnation of the Democratic Party is where my vote goes), why I know I am not a conservative and most likely never will be, and what I think the Republican Party needs to do if it is to survive, much less regain power. (This is not snarkiness - fewer than 25% of adults align themselves with the GOP.) This includes my assertion that a viable third party should be formed in this country, and I am not talking libertarian or independent.

The burgers are coming off the grill. Ta ta for now.

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