Monday, November 9, 2009

Revelation Weekend

Three major revelations this past (very busy) weekend.

First, Kirstie Alley was on Oprah the other day for an episode about celebrities' first jobs. Kirstie's was as a "home maker" (house cleaner) for a wealthy family in her neighborhood. She went back to the same house and cleaned for them - cute bit. But here's the great part: her secret to a sparkling and germ-free bathroom is - CHEAP VODKA. Yes, she buys the cheapest vodka possible and uses it to clean the bathroom. (Her kids were on and confirmed that she is a clean-freak and their house is always spotless.) She says rubbing alcohol works, of course (same concept), but there is vodka that is cheaper than the same quantity of rubbing alcohol. That, actually, is a strange revelation in itself - vodka that is so cheap and nasty it's more expensive to buy rubbing alcohol??? Blech.

Anyway, I tried it with the rubbing alcohol. Unbelievable. Works so great. I just sloshed some alcohol on the sink, around the faucet, and wiped with an old washcloth. The chrome sparkles, the soap scum and water stains come right off, and the Formica counters are perfectly clean and super shiny with no residue at all. You can just take the same rag and clean the mirror, too. No residue, no streaking, just absolutely clean and shiny. I did the kitchen sink, too. I am so impressed. The slight medicinal smell dissipates within minutes. I don't know if I can fathom the idea of keeping a jug of cheap vodka under the bathroom sink (Kirstie joked "this doesn't work if your maid is an alcoholic") but I will definitely stock up on rubbing alcohol at Walgreens the next time they have one of their buy-one-get-one sales, which happen pretty often.

The second revelation this weekend was that there is apparently one Republican in the House of Representatives with a conscience! Louisiana Rep. Joseph Cao was the lone Republatard vote for health care reform. He said he knows his party is pissed, but he had to vote "his conscience."

"I read the versions of the House [health reform] bill. I listened to the countless stories of Orleans and Jefferson Parish citizens whose health care costs are exploding – if they are able to obtain health care at all. Louisianans needs real options for primary care, for mental health care, and for expanded health care for seniors and children."

Finally, one guy who admits that he represents more than rich white people. This just highlights one of the most disgusting parts of the health care debate: some of the poorest districts in the South, where health care reform and assistance are desperately needed, are represented by Republicans who don't give a shit about the people who are suffering. All they care about is money - keeping it for themselves and their rich friends. UGH. I could go on forever, and I will, but that's for another day.

Finally, Sammy Sosa is a white man now. Check out this photo comparison:

WTF? Seriously? The first photo is from just a few months ago, the other is from a few days ago. Uh, are we not supposed to notice the difference? There are rumors that he has virtiglio (or whatever), that skin pigmentation disease that Michael Jackson had. If that's the case, make a public statement about it, dude. Otherwise the speculation will run rampant, just like it did with my beloved MJ.

Okay, gotta run and make a sandwich for the hubby. Then I have to write an entire paper on Karl Marx (his economic theories - not communism), the first draft of which is due at 6 tonight. Oy. I'll post some of it here someday. Marx got a bad rap because of the whole communism thing. Some of his theories about capitalism and other economic issues were right on.


  1. It's the health INSURANCE reform bill. That's a big difference. It's the INSURANCE part that's being overhauled -- not Grandma's care or anyone else's.

  2. Much of the reform is health insurance reform, that is true. The insurance companies have left us no choice but to call them on their evil. However, the bill also includes malpractice reform so doctors can stop practicing unnecessary defensive medicine, establishes a commission of experts to identify abuse and fraud in the system, promotes preventive care and of course, provides more Americans with coverage. All of these things do result in better health care for Americans. I would love to see support for electronic records, so I'll have to look into that more.

  3. BTW, the alcohol for cleaning? It works wonders on carpets. For small stains you find when vacuuming, daub with rubbing alcohol. For fresh wine stains (yes, red), sop up the wetness and then keep daubing with the rubbing alcohol. If stain is really entrenched or extensive, a hand-held steamer finishes the job. Daub excess moisture with a clean towel or paper towels.
