Sunday, September 13, 2009

More Proof of How Much GW Bush Sucked

The Census fugures for the Bush years now show why he sucked and make me wonder even more why "some people" continue to defend him and his party.

The whole story is here:

Here's the summary:

Under Clinton, the median income increased 14 per cent. Under Bush it declined 4.2 per cent.
Under Clinton the total number of Americans in poverty declined 16.9 per cent; under Bush it increased 26.1 per cent.
Under Clinton the number of children in poverty declined 24.2 per cent; under Bush it increased by 21.4 per cent.
Under Clinton, the number of Americans without health insurance, remained essentially even (down six-tenths of one per cent); under Bush it increased by 20.6 per cent.

This, people, is what happens when your economic policy consists of giving tax breaks to your rich white friends and ignoring the entire rest of the country.

So now Barack Obama has to muddle through this mess and get us back on track and all he gets in return is morons calling him a communist and a Nazi. Nice.

I can't wait until Obama gets to do Ronald Reagan's "are you better off now than you were four years ago" speech because in a few years the answer will be "yes."

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